12 May 2022

Webinar Recap | Meaningful Climate Targets & Actions

Posted in: Communicating sustainability

Webinar Recap | Meaningful Climate Targets & Actions

It's easy to discuss targets but will they lead to meaningful change?

Our webinar, held on 12 May, has our speakers Dr. Belinda Mathers and Danny Rood discuss how to start establishing and aligning climate targets that will lead to meaningful action.

The third latest release from the IPCC 'Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of climate change'  report confirms current global efforts are not enough. In our webinar below we cover the key findings and answer the questions it asks, including:

  • Are our climate targets in line with what the planet needs?
  • Are our commitments backed by meaningful action?
  • Do our business models set us up to achieve our 2050 climate goals?

Watch this webinar recording to hear about the current state of global climate pledges, what meaningful target setting looks like, and how organisations can follow through with credible action.

Please note: We are aware there was some confusion around the statement concerning New Zealand’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) at the 18:00 mark. To clarify, the updated NDC is:

  • a 50% emissions reduction by 2030 (gross emissions) compared to 2005 (net emissions) 
  • a 41% emissions reduction by 2030 (gross) compared to 2005 (gross)

Please see the below graph which explains this further

New Zealand Updated NDC Graph


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