04 Jul 2016

Plastic Free July Challenge

Posted in: Household action

Plastic Free July logoPlastic Free July is a challenge to refuse and avoid single-use plastic in the month of July as a way to build awareness and change habits. Plastic is a great material in many ways, but it is essentially designed to be permanent, which is problematic when used for things that are designed to be used once and thrown out. And unfortunately, huge amounts of plastic waste don't even make it to landfill, but instead pollute our land and waterways. 

Our team participating in the challenge will check in weekly with our successes, failures and suggestions on avoiding single use plastic. But first, meet the team and why we are up for the challenge.


Ann SmithDr Ann Smith

"I am horrified by the amount of single use plastic that I end up with at the end of each week even though I already try and avoid plastic. I really want to see what is possible and I am looking forward to the challenge of working out how to get around some of the scenarios I face each week. For example, I like to buy from the bulk area in the supermarket. They provide ziplock plastic bags but I could use the paper bags from the mushroom section."



Austin HansellAustin Hansell

“Plastic packaging that is just designed to go to waste drives me crazy, but it can be really hard to avoid. I’m hoping this challenge will get me thinking about more solutions and hopefully build a few new habits. For me, food packaging will be the hardest, especially meat and dairy products.”



Bronwyn CookBronwyn Cook

“Plastic Fantastic?! Not when it ends up polluting our oceans and harming our marine life. I’m participating in Plastic Free July to really focus on my reliance on plastic. I think my hardest challenge will be avoiding plastic packaging around meat products.”




Stu McKenzieStu McKenzie 

“I’m always looking to avoid unnecessary “stuff”, and plastic packaging is an obvious area to of my lifestyle to look at.  Meat and milk packaging is what stands out to me as my hardest thing to avoid.  I’m glad I just saw the tip on lining your rubbish bin with newspaper rather than plastic bags – I will be giving that a go for sure”