Carbon Programmes & Certification

Doing good is good business — reducing carbon emissions offers significant benefits for your business, for your customers, and for our collective future. Toitū Envirocare provides all the tools you need to start your carbon journey including tailored software and technical guidance through to independent audit and third party certification.

Join our collective journey to sustain the life of this place, our people and our future.

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Certification Programmes

We help you identify what data you need to measure your greenhouse gas inventory. Our tools and resources support you to set real and achievable goals to reduce your emissions. We then arrange an independent audit to verify your result is accurate and complete. You can optionally choose from a selection of carbon credits to offset your emissions. Our climate positive members go beyond to improve impacts. After your hard work you will receive globally recognised certification logos to help you market your achievements. The annual cycle sustains a journey of continual reduction.

carbon cycle, Toitū carbon programme, carbon mark

The Toitū net carbonzero and Toitū carbonreduce programmes were previously known as carboNZero and CEMARS respectively.

Toitū carbonreduce certification

Toitū carbon reduce, carbonreduce, toituWe help you accurately measure your greenhouse gas emissions, and put in place strategies to manage and reduce impacts. Our tools are designed to support any organisation, service or product. You will be certified in accordance with ISO 14064-1 or ISO 14067, allowing you to make carbon claims with confidence in any market.

Compliance with the programme is independently verified annually to maintain certification.

Toitū net carbonzero certification

Toitū net carbonzeroWe help you accurately measure your greenhouse gas emissions, and put in place strategies to manage, reduce and offset your impacts. Our tools are designed to support any organisation, service or product. We facilitate offsetting your remaining emissions through verified carbon credits to achieve a neutral balance. You will be certified in accordance with ISO 14064-1 or ISO 14067, allowing you to make carbon claims with confidence in any market.

Compliance with the programme is independently verified annually to maintain certification.

Toitū climate positive certification

Toitū Climate PositiveIn this new programme, we help you go beyond carbon neutrality to make a positive impact on society. We accurately measure your emissions, and put in place strategies to manage, reduce and offset your impacts set against the ultimate best practice in science-aligned targets. We facilitate offsetting 125% of your total emissions through verified carbon credits to achieve a carbon positive impact. In addition, we will help you to make a further impact contribution that supports society’s transition to a zero carbon future. Our tools are designed to support any organisation, service or product. You will be certified in accordance with ISO 14064-1 or ISO 14067, allowing you to make climate positive claims with confidence in any market.

Compliance with the programme is independently verified annually to maintain certification.

What makes our Toitū certifications world leading?

  • Programme requirements meet and exceed international standards and best practice (Also see: Summary of Toitu's Accredited Programme Standards)
  • Toitū net carbonzero and Toitū carbonreduce certification are currently available in 17 countries and the certification marks are recognised in over 60 countries, making it ideal for companies working in global supply chains or exporting products.
  • JAS-ANZ logoToitū net carbonzero and Toitū carbonreduce certification are accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) and were the world’s first carbon certification programme to be accredited under ISO 14065. See our accreditation details on the JAS-ANZ website here. See the JAS-ANZ certification register here.
  • We offer the only carbon neutral product certification to ISO 14067 outside of the UK.
  • In the UK Toitū carbonreduce is also licensed by the UK Environment Agency and recognised by the UK Energy Savings and Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) as a route to compliance.
  • Toitū net carbonzero and Toitū carbonreduce certified products can be awarded points by the New Zealand Green Building Council’s Green Star programme under the materials category. Toitū carbonreduce certified products earn .25 points and Toitū net carbonzero certified products earn .5 points.
  • We actively participate in the development of the leading international standards in greenhouse gas measurement and reduction.
  • We collaborate with the internationally recognised experts of Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, including scientists who specialise in greenhouse gas measurement, carbon monitoring and the creation of carbon sinks.

We currently have hundreds of members in New Zealand and beyond, including Auckland Airport, COPEC, New Zealand Post, Tahbilk Wine, Toyota New Zealand, University of Bristol and Yealands Wine. Explore our currently certified members and case studies here.

Want your organisation to make positive environmental change?

Click here to speak with us about carbon management.

Process of certification

There are five key steps to achieving one of our certifications. Click the icons to learn more about each step of the process.

Measure iconManage icon VerifyMitigate or OffsetMarket

Throughout the process, you will have access to our software, tools and templates, which will help identify what data you will need to gather, calculate your emissions inventory and prepare reports for verification and public disclosure. You will also be given a key contact who will provide guidance and resources to help you in your certification journey.

This is an annual cycle and each inventory will help keep you on a journey of continual reduction.

You can access the Toitū Programme Scheme Manual  to learn about how our programmes are managed here.

How will carbon management and certification benefit your business?

Our world leading carbon reduction and carbon neutral certifications are business tested and supported by scientific research and international best practice. For every member we provide flexible support, a comprehensive tool kit, and expert advisors.

Just some of the benefits our members are receiving:

  • Market access & export advantage
  • Identify business efficiencies and cost savings
  • Satisfy stakeholder and supply chain demand
  • Improve staff engagement
  • Build internal capability and institutional knowledge
  • Gain a moral and reputational advantage
  • Demonstrate good corporate citizenship
  • Anticipate and manage risks

Explore our case studies to see the programmes in action.

Ready to learn more about what Toitū net carbonzero or Toitū carbonreduce certification might mean for your business?

New Zealand’s first Toitū net carbonzero building operations certification programme

Toitū Envirocare and the New Zealand Green Building Council are currently piloting a new Toitū net carbonzero building operations certification programme. This programme gives New Zealand building owners a robust pathway to certify either base or whole building operations as zero carbon.

The programme ensures that members measure, manage and reduce their climate impacts against the highest international standards to make a meaningful difference to our atmosphere. In addition, reducing carbon emissions from our buildings has the potential to save building owners and operators millions in energy bills, as well as making them better environments in which to work and live. For more information on how to certify your building operations as Toitū net carbonzero, contact us.

Carbon credits and offsetting

We need to balance total global emissions to zero by 2050, in order to avoid more than 1.5°C change in global temperature. Significantly reducing emissions will take time. To aid a rapid and just transition, organisations can offset any remaining or unavoidable emissions using good quality carbon credits.

We source a range of carbon credits for your offsetting needs. Contact us to get started .

Click here to learn more about carbon credits.

Other carbon management services

If your carbon journey isn't ready for certification, we can still help. Contact us to find out which solution would best fit your needs.

Setting science-based targets

Toitū Envirocare provides custom support to help organisations set and achieve science-based emissions reduction targets.

Whether your organisation is starting from scratch or needs its work reviewed, we can help.

Why set a science-based target?

A science-based target is an emissions reduction goal set in line with the global carbon budget. This budget caps global carbon emissions at one trillion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (tCO2e), which gives us the best change of limiting global warming to less than 2°C.

Using science-based target principles allows organisations of any size or sector to make a meaningful and fair transition to the global low carbon economy.

Toitū Envirocare welcomes any organisation that wants to set science-based targets to start the conversation today. Together we can develop a custom plan to apply our expertise to your business needs.

Other carbon management services include:

  • Custom assessment or audit services against a range of environmental standards and criteria
  • Emissions factor review, development and provision
  • Measure your GHG inventory with our emissions calculation software
  • Assessment and provision of quality carbon credits
  • Customised carbon calculators for your customers, projects, or events
  • Workshops and training across a range of environmental topics
  • Free carbon calculators for individuals to estimate and optionally offset their household or travel footprints