01 Jul 2024

Webinar Recap | Uncovering product lifecycle emission hotspots in FMCG

Posted in: Reducing emissions

Uncovering product lifecycle emission hotspots in FMCG

On Thursday 27 June 2024, Toitū experts and WineWorks Sophie Matthews, discussed the emission hotspots across the product value chain identifying mitigation and reduction opportunities businesses in the FMCG sector can implement. The driver factors of regulations, supply chains, consumers, and investors set credible climate action at the forefront of business priorities. Equip your business with the insights to make impactful change to your climate impact and tune in to discover how Toitū client, WineWorks, have made a 45% emission reduction within their first 4 years of certification.

Our experts discussed

  • The drivers for the FMCG industry to take climate action.
  • How to build you business case for climate action.
  • The product life cycle emission hotspot sources, reduction or mitigation opportunities, and examples of credible action, including:
    • Raw material sourcing
    • Manufacturing processes
    • Packaging
    • Transportation & distribution
    • Retail
  • The benefits of carbon footprint measurement and certification.

Key takeaways

  • The concern of climate change is growing among New Zealanders, with 50% considering it a priority impacting businesses stakeholders at all level.
  • There are an increasing number of domestic and international regulations that impact the FMCG sector that businesses should be aware of.
  • It is crucial to understand and address the lifecycle emissions of products through initiatives such as engaging with supplier, using renewable energy, improving efficiencies, and designing for circularity.
  • Third-party certification and verification is important when making claims in market as this provides clear credibility and avoid accusations of greenwashing.

Our speakers

Francois Hecquet, Business Development Manager | Toitū Envirocare

Diana Hawkins, Senior Advisor - Primary Sector & Waste | Toitū Envirocare

Sophie Matthews, Group Quality and Compliance Manager | WineWorks

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