Lincoln, 6 December 2018
Enviro-Mark Solutions is delighted to award the Ministry for the Environment with certification to the Certified Emissions Measurement And Reduction Scheme (CEMARS®) for the first time.
Enviro-Mark Solutions Chief Executive Dr Ann Smith says the Ministry for the Environment are demonstrating leadership in their commitment to playing their part in reaching our national carbon reduction goals, and transitioning to a low-carbon economy.
“CEMARS is a rigorous, science-based programme. Not only has the Ministry’s carbon footprint and reduction plan now been certified to the highest international standards, but it ensures they will continue to set new targets to consistently reduce their carbon footprint”.
The certificate of achievement was formally presented by Dr Ann Smith to Ministry for the Environment Chief Operating Officer Claire Richardson, at an all-staff meeting in Wellington today attended by the Minister for the Environment, Hon David Parker, and Chief Executive Vicky Robertson.

“It’s really important that we’re leading by example, and gaining CEMARS certification is an important part of that journey,” says Vicky Robertson.
“We have set ourselves some initial emission reduction targets that align with our wider sustainability strategy. By July 2020 we want to achieve a 50 per cent reduction in waste to landfill, 20 per cent reduction in travel, and 10 per cent reduction in purchased electricity. Reducing our emissions is about safeguarding our environment for future generations and is a key priority for us, not just as a Ministry, but as a country. I’m proud that we’re one of only two central government agencies to have achieved this certification.”
CEMARS certification verifies that the Ministry for the Environment has measured its organisational greenhouse gas emissions and put in place measures to manage and continually reduce their impacts.
Their carbon footprint and plans to reduce these emissions have been independently audited and certified against international best practice (ISO 14064-1).
The Ministry for the Environment joins the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) in being CEMARS certified.
About the Certified Emissions Measurement And Reduction Scheme (CEMARS):
- CEMARS is an internationally recognised carbon emissions measurement and reduction scheme provided by Enviro-Mark Solutions.
- CEMARS is recognised in over 60 countries, and accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ).
- To earn CEMARS certification, organisations commit to a programme in which they measure their organisational greenhouse gas emissions. Based on their current footprint, they set and implement a plan to reduce these emissions. These two steps are audited and verified by Enviro-Mark Solutions, to internationally recognised standards.
- Compliance with the CEMARS programme is independently verified annually to maintain certification.
About Enviro-Mark Solutions:
Enviro-Mark Solutions is the leading provider of environmental certification in New Zealand. Since 2001, its programmes have ensured that New Zealand companies are benefiting from international best practice, applied science, and effective tools. Enviro-Mark Solutions is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, a Government-owned Crown Research Institute. Though developed for New Zealand business needs, Enviro-Mark Solutions’ offerings currently serve over 300 clients worldwide.
Our CEMARS, carboNZero, Enviro-Mark and Energy-Mark certifications meet and exceed the requirements of ISO standards and ensure consistent and comprehensive reporting, benchmarking and management of environmental and climate impacts. In addition, we offer product life cycle assessments, carbon calculators, materiality assessments on the Sustainable Development Goals and expertise in calculating and submitting science-based targets.
For more information, contact us.